Spontaneous Generosity - STATE OF MIND

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Size: 1,5 ml
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Expédié par : SCENTISSIME

Spontaneous Generosity is a fragrance of modesty and happiness, expressed by Fig with milky accents and an oriental accord of Velvet Rose and Benzoin, Peruvian Balm, Sandalwood, and above all Tonka, Coumarin, Caramel and Cherry. It offers the delicious sensation of a meeting with your Guardian Angel.

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La Fragrance

What is generosity?  Is it a talent, a way of being, a state of mind? Generous people don't possess the best, but they transform what surrounds them into the best. Spontaneous Generosity is an exceptional Sandalwood Caramel fragrance that tells the story of true happiness with modesty.  It's a luxurious fragrance that belongs to the Oriental Gourmand family. In its top notes you'll find the aromas of Indian Assam black tea, Fig and Tonka Bean. Next, you'll have the pleasure of discovering the heart notes: Peruvian Balsam, Benzoin, and Coumarin. In the base notes, you'll recognise the scents of Cherry, Sandalwood and a fruity, gourmand note of Caramel. It offers the delicious sensation of meeting with your Guardian Angel, a feeling of protection, care, confidence, a warm interior or an empathetic person. What makes Caramel Santal so special is the way it develops over time. Over the hours, you'll notice how the different notes blend and evolve, creating a complex and enveloping fragrance, reassuringly multi-faceted like the Fig, or earlier Fig Tree, at once green and milky like the leaf, suave like the fruit and finally woody like the tree.

Dans la même Marque

Dans la Collection

Le Parfumeur

Elle est née à Grasse, capitale mondiale du parfum, dont le climat à nul autre pareil fait éclore des champs de roses de mai, de jasmin, d’orangers, de tubéreuses, de violettes; des fleurs qui ont écrit l’histoire de Grasse et de la parfumerie moderne. Ce destin marquera sa création et fera le patrimoine olfactif de Karine Dubreuil.

Un regard curieux et généreux, privilégiant toujours le contact et l’humain pour mieux se dédier et exprimer toute sa créativité. des caractéristiques qui amèneront Karine Dubreuil à devenir parfumeur-créateur indépendant.

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