Natural Elegance - STATE OF MIND

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Size: 1,5 ml
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Expédié par : SCENTISSIME

Both sophisticated and daring, Parfum d'Exception Chypré Moderne Natural Elegance is a fragrance that reveals inner beauty. It reflects the harmonious balance between simplicity and French elegance.

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La Fragrance

Natural Elegance is a fragrance that reveals inner beauty. It reflects the balance between simplicity and elegance of a woman of character. This harmony is reflected in notes of Yunnan Green Tea, Osmantus and juicy Apricots. Underlined by a hint of Patchouli and Ambroxan. Natural elegance is an innate gift, independent of artifice and dress. This fragrance underlines the charm and nobility of spirit of the person who wears it. Audrey Hepburn's beauty secrets: "To have beautiful eyes, surround yourself with generous people. To have a slim waist, share your meal with the hungry. To be serene, walk in the knowledge that you are never alone, because those who love you are with you. A woman's beauty lies not in her dresses, her figure or her hairstyle, but in her eyes, which are the door to her heart.

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Le Parfumeur

Elle est née à Grasse, capitale mondiale du parfum, dont le climat à nul autre pareil fait éclore des champs de roses de mai, de jasmin, d’orangers, de tubéreuses, de violettes; des fleurs qui ont écrit l’histoire de Grasse et de la parfumerie moderne. Ce destin marquera sa création et fera le patrimoine olfactif de Karine Dubreuil.

Un regard curieux et généreux, privilégiant toujours le contact et l’humain pour mieux se dédier et exprimer toute sa créativité. des caractéristiques qui amèneront Karine Dubreuil à devenir parfumeur-créateur indépendant.

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