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Expédié par : SCENTISSIME

A blend of Bergamot, Seringa and Cornflowers, Ame Slave is inspired by the steppes, birches and cedars of Siberia, with a warm heart of Honey. Contrasting, instinctive, wild in one sense and resolutely sensual in another.

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La Fragrance

The Slavic Soul is a very particular and recognisable state of mind. At first glance, it is deep, romantic, mysterious, warm and independent. But Slavic Soul is also wild, crazy, melancholy, pure, honest, spontaneous, sometimes naive, subtle and refined. It is highly individualistic. Its main ingredient is boundless courage where compromise has no place. White is white, black is black. Moral values are deeply rooted in the Slavic temperament. The heart prevails over reason. How do you express the Slavic soul in fragrance? The green woody fragrance family was chosen to express power and sophistication. The earthy scent of Pu-erh tea begins the fragrance, which is constructed in the image of a "Goût Russe" tea. Bergamot, Cornflower and Seringat round them off deliciously. In fact, a discreet reference to Pushkin is hidden in the use of Seringat, "the Jasmine of poets". These are the top notes. The heart of this woody amber-green fragrance is sweet and spicy, with notes of Honey, Ginger, Cardamom and Vanilla. The woody base accord is a sophisticated reflection of the Slavic soul. Four ingredients come together: Siberian cedar, Birch resin, Sandalwood and Oud. These notes evoke the expanses of Siberia and the immensity of the Slavic soul.

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Le Parfumeur

Elle est née à Grasse, capitale mondiale du parfum, dont le climat à nul autre pareil fait éclore des champs de roses de mai, de jasmin, d’orangers, de tubéreuses, de violettes; des fleurs qui ont écrit l’histoire de Grasse et de la parfumerie moderne. Ce destin marquera sa création et fera le patrimoine olfactif de Karine Dubreuil.

Un regard curieux et généreux, privilégiant toujours le contact et l’humain pour mieux se dédier et exprimer toute sa créativité. des caractéristiques qui amèneront Karine Dubreuil à devenir parfumeur-créateur indépendant.

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