logo Thomas de Monaco

The Brand

Thomas De Monaco Parfums is a dance of transformation where experiments bloom into beauty, much like words seamlessly weave into poetry. The inspiration, akin to a focused lens in photography, transforms perception into fine art, capturing moments for the here and now, yet transcending mere images. 

Thomas believes that perfume is the gateway to true beauty. His creations are crafted to shift moods towards positive emotions, affecting not only the wearer but also radiating an attractive character to others. 

Each fragrance is designed to emanate uniqueness, encapsulating an essence of artistry, emotion, and authenticity. Thomas De Monaco Parfums is dedicated to shifting everyday experiences into moments of profound beauty and emotional connection.

Concept des parfums THOMAS DE MONACO. Gros plan sur les pétales d'une fleur blanche. La lumière est ambrée.
Histoire des parfums THOMAS DE MONACO. Vue en plongée d'une femme aux longs cheveux bruns qui tient dans sa main des touches olfactives Thomas de Monaco. Elle est assise devant une petite table ronde, sur laquelle sont posés des flacons testeurs Thomas de Monaco. A côté d'elle, on voit les mains d'un homme qui tient un flacon de parfum Thomas de Monaco.

The Story

Founded in the spring of 2022, Thomas De Monaco Parfums crafts its unique fragrances within the historic walls of a building by Gustave Eiffel. This space is not just a place, but a journey into artisanal creativity where the spirit of creative freedom can be felt everywhere. It demands the luxury of time and the freedom of space to truly flourish.

Each scent embodies meticulous craftsmanship and a commitment to authenticity and quality, setting the stage for sustainable growth. Here, true luxury is measured in patience and perseverance, creating an honest heritage that is felt, not just seen—paving a path that defies conventional wisdom.

The Founder

Portrait en noir et blanc de Thomas de Monaco, fondateur de la marque de parfums de niche du même nom. Il tient un flacon de parfum dans sa main gauche, et un a sa main contre le côté de son visage. Il sourit.

Thomas De Monaco is a visionary Photographer and Creative Director, with over two decades of experience in Paris and Zürich. He has been commissioned by the world's most prestigious luxury brands, discovering along the way his passion for the pure beauty and emotive power of perfumery.  

His artistic process begins with experimentation, evolving seamlessly into fine art. His perfumes embody these principles, resulting in fragrances that are not only radiant and long-lasting but also deeply moving. Thomas offers a glimpse into his daily creative endeavors with authentic openness, inviting others to join him on a journey that is just beginning.

Our Curator's Word

“The Thomas de Monaco fragrances are not about mass appeal. They are about individuality and exceptional quality of ingredients. Whether it's through the warmth of amber, the freshness of citrus, or the sensuality of musk, Thomas believes that fragrances should evoke emotions. Imagine wearing a canvas of memories, a symphony of notes that dance on your skin. When you wear a Thomas de Monaco fragrance, you carry an emotional journey with you.

The THOMAS DE MONACO fragrances