The Brand

Haute Parfumerie according to Gabriel Gabor celebrates the savoir-faire of luxury olfaction, going beyond the raw materials to focus on the harmony, personality and story of each fragrance.

In this vision, fragrance is intertwined with lifestyle, in the same way that we admire a painting whose multiple touches of light compose a story. Embrace the magic of fragrance and savour every moment.

Among the niche brands, the real niche is that of the professional perfumer who bridges the gap between creators and enthusiasts. Gabriel Gabor encourages perfumers to infuse passion into their creations and establish brands in the Perfumer-Creator niche, merging craftsmanship and entrepreneurship in luxury.

Gabriel Gabor sent une mouillette avec derrière lui des étages de fioles contenant des ingrédients de parfum
Une vue de la ville de Grasse, capitale de la parfumerie

The Story

Gabriel Gabor, a seasoned perfumer since 2010, designs bespoke fragrances and hosts exclusive olfactory workshops.

Trained in Grasse, France, his childhood passion for scents led him to become a perfumer. In 2014, he developed a niche fragrance as part of Christian Dior's training programme.

His Oud collection made its debut at Beauty World Middle-East in 2016 and Darling fragrance received acclaim at the World Perfumery Congress.

Gabriel Gabor now creates fragrances for designer brands and for his own label. Launched in 2019, DE GABOR can be found in over 72 luxury shops worldwide, including ROJA DOVE HAUTE PARFUMERIE at Harrods in London.

The Founder

Portrait noir et blanc de Gabriel Gabor. Il sent une touche olfactive et porte une chemise blanche

Before creating MG International Fragrance Company, Gabriel Gabor was an accomplished academic. Today, he thrives on his lifelong passion, combining creativity, style and olfactory sensitivity in his work.

Trained at the Institut de Parfumerie de Grasse, Gabriel Gabor's talent blossomed early on, earning him notable recognition, notably a place in the top 10 of a perfume competition in 2016 and recognition by Fragrantica as one of the 10 best independent niche perfumes of the last decade.

One of his recent creations, Extrait de Parfum Astronaut, has become a bestseller in its category.

Our Curator's Word

"Imagine an interstellar voyage where each fragrance is a space capsule containing emotions, mysteries, and dreams. Perfumer Gabriel Gabor, like an alchemist, creates his fragrances with rare rigour. He chooses exceptional ingredients, often rare and precious, to compose olfactory constellations where each creation, intimately linked to his personal life, is an invitation to evasion, discovery and love. So close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remember: in every bottle, there's a little bit of magic, a little bit of you, and a lot of stars."

De Gabor Perfumes