Mami Wata
Founded in 2016 in South Africa, the Mami Wata brand reclaims the roots of surfing, born in Africa. Its fragrance captures the invigorating experience and vital energy of surfing.
About Mami Wata
The surf brand Mami Wata was created out of love and conviction—the love of surfing, design, and Africa. The brand's conviction lies in the power of African surfing. Today, this brand launches its first perfume, irresistibly oceanic and African in its roots and evocations. Mami Wata, the clothing and accessories brand, was born in 2017 to be a creative force for good in Africa, producing and supporting African youth, African talents, and African manufacturers. Mami Wata is a symbol of African empowerment: Africa reclaiming its history and culture. Surfing was invented on the shores of Africa. From Madagascar to Morocco, from Liberia to Mozambique, Mami Wata is the African water spirit who appears as a mermaid. She is a symbol of fertility, a protector of women and children, a guardian of marine creatures and natural environments.